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Banking Essentials - Part I

This pathway will walk us through the basics of banks, starting with some of the different types and their main functions, then starting to look at the regulation faced by the banks, both before and after the Global Financial Crisis.


Greenwashing is the act of distributing false information about something being more environmentally friendly than it actually is.

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Tackling the Cost of Living Crisis

In this video, Max discusses the cost-of-living crisis currently enveloping the UK. He examines its impact on households as well as the overall economy.

CSR and Sustainability in Financial Services

In the first video of this two-part video series, Elisa introduces us to sustainability. She begins by looking at the difference between sustainability and corporate social responsibility, two terms that can be easily confused.

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Banking Essentials - Part I

This pathway will walk us through the basics of banks, starting with some of the different types and their main functions, then starting to look at the regulation faced by the banks, both before and after the Global Financial Crisis.


Greenwashing is the act of distributing false information about something being more environmentally friendly than it actually is.

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Tackling the Cost of Living Crisis

In this video, Max discusses the cost-of-living crisis currently enveloping the UK. He examines its impact on households as well as the overall economy.

CSR and Sustainability in Financial Services

In the first video of this two-part video series, Elisa introduces us to sustainability. She begins by looking at the difference between sustainability and corporate social responsibility, two terms that can be easily confused.

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Navigating UN Disclosure & Reporting Initiatives

Navigating UN Disclosure & Reporting Initiatives

Keith Mullin

35 years: Capital markets editorial

In this video, Keith covers some key ESG initiatives under the UN umbrella that are driving sustainability, such as the UNFCCC, SDGs, and UNEP FI. On the banking and investment front, he outlines the Principles for Responsible Investment, the PRI, and the Principles for Responsible Banking, the PRB.

In this video, Keith covers some key ESG initiatives under the UN umbrella that are driving sustainability, such as the UNFCCC, SDGs, and UNEP FI. On the banking and investment front, he outlines the Principles for Responsible Investment, the PRI, and the Principles for Responsible Banking, the PRB.

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Navigating UN Disclosure & Reporting Initiatives

10 mins 52 secs

Key learning objectives:

  • Understand how the UN has been driving the ESG agenda

  • Identify some of the key UN agencies driving ESG


The urgency to protect the environment has given rise to one of the most powerful calls to action the world has ever seen. It’s a call that has unified governments, businesses, the financial sector, consumers and broader society. Efforts to protect the planet and make the world a better place have accelerated only in the past decade so we’re at early stages. Led by the European Union, governments around the world are now starting to codify vague and tenuous concepts around environmental sustainability and using them to force convergence to ambitious targets. The United Nations has played a key role in pushing the ESG agenda and is behind many of today’s core workstreams. Key UN agencies driving the principal work streams include the UNFCCC, the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, who developed the SDGs, and the UNEP FI.

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Which UN Agencies are driving the principal ESG work streams and what are they doing?

  1. UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
    Established in 1992 and ratified by 197 countries, it is known as Parties to the Convention. Their task is to keep greenhouse gas emissions caused by human activities below levels at which they become dangerous to the world’s climate. The UNFCCC has two key agreements under its umbrella, the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement.

    The Convention’s secretariat provides technical expertise, information exchange and analysis in the pursuit of its goals. It convenes several inter-governmental sessions each year. The most important is the annual Conference of the Parties, also known as COP.

  2. UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA)

    The UN DESA is the secretariat for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs were adopted in 2015 and are one of the principal anchors of ESG activity by businesses, investors and banks. There are 17 SGDs, each with an underlying goal, and between them, they have 169 targets.

  3. UN Environment Programme’s Finance Initiative (UNEP FI)

    The UNEP FI is a public-private partnership between the UN and the financial sector, whose aim is to mobilise and channel private finance to sustainable development. It was the UNEP FI, together with fund managers and brokers, who in 2004 coined the term ESG. The UNEP FIs contributions include the Principles for Responsible Banking and the Principles for Responsible Investment. 

The six principles of the PRB include: 

  • Alignment of business strategy to the SDGs, Paris Agreement and others
  • Impact and target setting
  • Working with clients and customers
  • Engaging with stakeholders
  • Effective governance and culture
  • Increase transparency and accountability 

The six principles of the PRI include: 

  • Incorporate ESG issues into investment analysis and decision-making processes
  • Be active owners and incorporate ESG issues into ownership policies and practices
  • Seek appropriate disclosure on ESG issues by the entities in which companies invest
  • Promote acceptance and implementation of the Principles within the investment industry
  • Work together to enhance our effectiveness in implementing the Principles
  • Report on activities and progress towards implementing the Principles

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Keith Mullin

Keith Mullin

Keith is the founder and director of KM Capital Markets, a media and thought-leadership consultancy. He spent the past 35 years working in specialist capital markets media and has had a ring-side seat at all of the major market events. Prior to setting up KM Capital Markets in 2017, Keith worked at Thomson Reuters.

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